Four Lives: A Portrait of Manic Depression

From The Fanlight Collection

Directed by Jonathan David

56 minutes / Color
Release: 1987
Copyright: 1987

In this documentary, four patients and their families and psychiatrists share their perspectives on living with manic depression, an illness which affects nearly three million Americans. When depressed, these patients have exaggerated feelings of hopelessness, sadness and anxiety. When manic, they experience extreme feelings of ambition and self-confidence. If the high escalates they may become dangerously extravagant, incessantly talking and socially uninhibited.

If untreated, one in six may commit suicide. Though the illness can recur throughout a patient's life, effective treatments are now available, and the film explores both medical and psychotherapeutic approaches, as well as the more controversial electroconvulsive shock therapy (ECT). Those battling mental illness will take comfort in the struggles of these courageous people to achieve control over their disorder and their lives. Broadcast on national public television

"A beautiful, sensitive and rare film on the impact of manic depressive disorder in the lives of patients and their families. Speaks well to every audience: patient, public, and professional. An inspiration."—Janice A. Egeland, PhD, Director, The Amish Study

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Jonathan David

Select Accolades

  • Silver Apple, National Educational Film Festival
  • Cum Laude, Midikinale Parma
  • Columbus International Film Festival
  • National Council on Family Relations
  • American Psychological Association


This captivating video features neuroscientist Dr. Elkhonon Goldberg, author of The Executive Brain, as well as neurologist and best-selling author Dr. Oliver Sacks (Awakenings), in a discussion of frontal lobe damage.

Neal Goodman | 2004 | 30 minutes | Color | English

Illustrates new research in nueroplasticity and how the changing brain plays an important role in treating mental diseases and disorders.

2012 | 44 minutes | Color | English