Americas in Transition

AMERICAS IN TRANSITION provides a concise and fast-paced history of the volatile forces that rocked Chile, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Nicaragua in the 1970s and 1980s.

Drawing on interviews with the Mexican writer Carlos Fuentes, former CIA director Lyman Kirkpatrick, former U.S. Ambassador to El Salvador Murat Williams, and Maryknoll missioner Peggy Healy, the film examines the roots of dictatorship, attempts at democracy, communist influences, and the U.S. role in Latin American politics.

AMERICAS IN TRANSITION remains the best introduction to U.S. relations with Latin America, and the underlying causes of unrest there.

"An outstanding documentary! A coherent interpretation of an area whose problems have been obfuscated by incomplete media coverage and inconsistent U.S. policies."- Ardis Nelson, Florida State University

"Should be required viewing for every American."- Los Angeles Times

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A Film by Obie Benz
Narrated by Ed Asner

Select Accolades

  • Blue Ribbon, 1982 American Film & Video Festival
  • Best of Festival, 1982 National Educational Film Festival
  • 1982 CINE Golden Eagle Winner
  • 1981 Academy Award Nominee, Best Short Documentary


Investigates the human rights and legal issues involved when two Salvadoran generals are sued in an American court for atrocities (such as the murder of four American churchwomen) committed during El Salvador's civil war.

Gail Pellett | 2002 | 86 minutes | Color | English

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Jeffrey Gould & Carlos Henriquez Consalvi | 2003 | 53 minutes | Color | English subtitles

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Tatiana Huezo | 2012 | 104 minutes | Color | English; Spanish | English subtitles