Far from Vietnam

Directed by Jean-Luc Godard, Joris Ivens, William Klein, Claude Lelouch, Chris Marker, and Alain Resnais

115 minutes / Color
English; French / English subtitles
Release: 2013
Copyright: 1967

film still

Initiated and edited by Chris Marker, FAR FROM VIETNAM is an epic 1967 collaboration between cinema greats Jean-Luc Godard, Joris Ivens, William Klein, Claude Lelouch and Alain Resnais in protest of American military involvement in Vietnam--made, per Marker's narration, "to affirm, by the exercise of their craft, their solidarity with the Vietnamese people in struggle against aggression."

A truly collaborative effort, the film brings together an array of stylistically disparate contributions, none individually credited, under a unified editorial vision. The elements span documentary footage shot in North and South Vietnam and at anti-war demonstrations in the United States; a fictional vignette and a monologue that dramatize the self-interrogation of European intellectuals; interviews with Fidel Castro and Anne Morrison, widow of Norman Morrison, the Quaker pacifist who burned himself alive in front of the Pentagon in 1965; an historical overview of the conflict; reflections from French journalist Michele Ray; and a range of repurposed media material.

Passionately critical and self-critical, and as bold in form as it is in rhetoric, FAR FROM VIETNAM is a milestone in political documentary and in the French cinema.

"An important film, a beautiful film, a moving film…the cinema at last has its 'Guernica.'"—Richard Roud, The Guardian

"A stone-cold classic."—Michael Vazquez, The Huffington Post

"A landmark in the European cinema...A new kind of film-not an anthology-piece in which each director contributes a sketch, but a real fusion of each individual's material into a collective statement."—Michael Kustow, The Times of London

"Rich with humanity and indignation…this is a film nobody should miss. It mirrors both the horror and the hope of our times."—Sanity magazine

"Manifests the will to produce a film that cuts through the sensationalized media reports on Vietnam--the misinformation--while simultaneously joining the growing protest against the war."—Nora M. Alter, Chris Marker (book)

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Select Accolades

  • 1967 New York Film Festival


Chris Marker's epic film-essay on the worldwide political wars of the 60's and 70's: Vietnam, Che, May '68, Prague, Chile, and the fate of the New Left.

Chris Marker | 2001 | 178 minutes | Color | English | English subtitles

Chris Marker and Pierre Lhomme's legendary portrait of Paris and Parisians at the close of the Algerian war.

Chris Marker and Pierre Lhomme | 2013 | 145 minutes | English; French | English subtitles

Chronicle of the 1967 Mobilization to End the War in Vietnam protest march on the Pentagon, by documentary essayist Chris Marker. Also on this disc is a second film, THE EMBASSY.

Chris Marker and François Reichenbach | 2007 | 26 minutes | Color | English