
Directed by Juan Jose Lozano and Hollman Morris

85 minutes / Color
Spanish / English subtitles
Release: 2011
Copyright: 2010

In 2005, Colombia's new "Commission for Peace and Justice" started gathering evidence about the horrific violence carried out by illegal paramilitary groups. A highly controversial justice and peace process was designed to allow paramilitary leaders to hand in their weapons and give themselves up voluntarily in exchange for reduced sentences. IMPUNITY documents the hearings in which paramilitary commanders, such as "HH" describe atrocities they have committed in detail, as the families of their victims listen and watch on projected screens.

film still

Through a series of commission testimonies, footage of paramilitary crimes, and interviews with victims and experts, IMPUNITY shines a light on the brutal history of paramilitary violence. Yet due to serious irregularities in the justice and peace process, many families express their fear that they will never know the truth surrounding the deaths of their loved ones, and that the perpetrators will escape punishment. In an era where many countries are tempted to sacrifice justice in the name of "peace", what happens in Colombia will resonate beyond its borders.

"The Camera Justitia Award is for a film that deals with serious crimes against humanity and the sheer impossibility of getting justice despite overwhelming evidence. It is a deeply emotional film, which bravely accuses at least two countries of collusion with impunity for the perpetrators. Starting with a heartbreaking opening scene, the film skillfully follows the chronology of those seeking truth and justice, narrowing the complex range of issues down to a specific case, overwhelming the audience with the same desperation that threatens to crush the victims and survivors. The Camera Justitia Award 2011 goes to IMPUNITY"—Movies That Matter Festival, The Netherlands

Other Ways to Watch

Colleges, Universities, Government Agencies, Hospitals, and Corporations

Purchase DVD for $398.00

Select Accolades

  • Official Selection, 2012 Latin American Studies Association (LASA)
  • Official Selection, 2012 Western Psychological Association Film Festival
  • Official Selection, 2011 Human Rights Documentary Film Series, ALBA, at the Museum of the City of New York


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