The Pirates of Bubuan

Directed by Shohei Imamura

46 minutes / Color
English; Japanese / English subtitles
Release: 2012
Copyright: 1972

film still
The Pirates of Bubuan is included on the same DVD as Outlaw-Matsu Comes Home

Imamura reveals remote and impoverished islands in the Philippines to be the home of rival factions of pirates in this absorbing investigation into a little-known way of life.

"THE PIRATES OF BUBUAN is masterful, a film in which Imamura whisks an entire world out of nothing...In 46 minutes we're given an entire societal microcosm with all its maddening contradictions."—Sight & Sound

"In ballsy, proto-Nick Broomfield fashion, Shohei Imamura puts himself directly in the line of danger to film THE PIRATES OF BUBUAN, a startling documentary glimpse of shady activity on the Phillipine high seas in the early 1970s. As an unintended side effect of bringing a camera crew into relatively unknown territory, Imamura also captures the experiences of native islanders eking out their day-to-day lives on both the poverty line and the idyllic shoreline."—The Cinefamily

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