People Power

PEOPLE POWER is the first comprehensive exploration of the use of active non-violence as a means to achieve social reforms.

By focusing primarily on the fall of Pinochet in Chile, the Palestinian intifada, and Cory Aquino's "People Power" revolution in the Philippines, the film demonstrates how Filipinos jogged to gain political momentum, or how a small concession by Pinochet - 15 minutes on government television - became the vehicle to rally a nation around a simple slogan: the word "no."

With insight from Gene Sharp, a leading expert on non-violent struggles, PEOPLE POWER weaves together personal and intellectual odysseys into a dramatic and thought provoking program.

"**** [4 Stars - Highly Recommended] A compassionate and literate look at people trying to escape fear and mobilize for their rights... Ziv reminds viewers that there are no easy answers to complex issues, and that is why his highly personal program is commendable."—James E. Reppert, Video Rating Guide for Libraries

"An earnest effort... The use of interviews with the participants in the events is excellent. Recommended for all libraries."—M. Whichard, Choice

"Highly recommended."—Landers Film & Video Reviews

"Ziv's film is an intriguing mixture of programmatic political essay and filmmaker's diary... hopscotching across the globe analyzing the fortunes of unarmed popular movements."—William Boddy, Film Comment

"A noteworthy piece... to show how peacable tactics can topple even the most heavily militarized dictatorships."—The Independent (London)

Other Ways to Watch

Colleges, Universities, Government Agencies, Hospitals, and Corporations

Purchase DVD for $298.00

Select Accolades

  • Maeda Prize Winner, 1989 Japan Prize Competition


A how-to manual to the recent democratic (but definitely not spontaneous) revolutions in Georgia, Serbia, and the Ukraine.

Tania Rakhmanova | 2007 | 52 minutes | Color | Russian | English subtitles

Tells the story of three unconventional social workers united by a common vision that transcends the antagonisms between their countries.

Helene Klodawsky | 2016 | 52 minutes | Color | English subtitles