A Veiled Revolution

Directed by Marilyn Gaunt

26 minutes / Color
Release: 1982
Copyright: 1982

Egyptian women were the first Arab women to march in political demonstrations (1919), the first to take off their veils publicly (1923), and the first to receive free secular education (1924).

But today the educated granddaughters of those early Arab feminists are returning to Islamic dress, complete with full face veil and gloves. A VEILED REVOLUTION considers possible reasons for this turn back to tradition - the resurgence of Islamic fundamentalism, the rejection of western values - as Egyptian women speak out.

Study Guide available.

"This excellent film deals with the phenomenon of young, educated women who are returning to variously restrictive forms of what they refer to as 'Islamic dress'."—Science Books & Films

"An excellent basis for discussion."—EFLA Evaluations

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Elizabeth Fernea
Marilyn Gaunt

Select Accolades

  • Finalist, 1983 American Film Festival


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Marilyn Gaunt | 1982 | 26 minutes | Color