Vulva 3.0

Directed by Claudia Richarz and Ulrike Zimmermann

52 minutes / Color
/ English subtitles
Release: 2014
Copyright: 2014

We live in hyper-sexualized times. The press, advertisements and TV are constantly putting naked women and their genitalia on display.

In public we see airbrushed, de-individualized anatomies which conform to the standards of attractiveness used by the porn industry. The ideal image of the smooth, perfectly shaped vulva with symmetrical labia has little to do with the actual shape of most female genitalia. And the resultant insecurity many women feel about their own bodies has proven to be a goldmine for the field of cosmetic genital surgery, which promises to manufacture the perfect vagina via the surgeon's scalpel.

The new film VULVA 3.0 sheds light on every facet of the matter in hand, from sex education to censorship, from the airbrushing of 'misshapen' labia in pornographic images to cosmetic surgery, and to the work of activists against female genital mutilation.

VULVA 3.0 is a comprehensive and unflustered investigation into the history of this particular aspect of the female anatomy in the 21st century, while celebrating the diversity of the female body.

"Recommended for gender studies, art, health and sociology courses analyzing social and cultural attitudes towards the female body." -Educational Media Reviews Online

"Amusing and horrifying by turns, but consistently fascinating throughout." -The Hollywood Reporter

"An enthralling documentary." -The Huffington Post

"A wonderful start to a conversation about a socially taboo subject, deserving of more thorough exploration." -Verite Film Magazine

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Select Accolades

  • 2015 Film Festival, Western Psychological Association
  • 2015 Berlin and Beyond Film Festival, SF
  • Official Selection, 2014 TLVFest
  • Official Selection, 2014 Berlinale
  • Official Selection, 2014 Doxa Documentary Festival


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