Waiting for the Carnival

Directed by Marcelo Gomes

86 minutes / Color
Portuguese / English subtitles
Release: 2019
Copyright: 2019

The small village of Toritama is a microcosm of relentless capitalism. Each year, more than 20-million pairs of jeans are produced in make-shift factories. The locals work non-stop hours, proud to be the masters of their own time. During Carnival - the only leisure moment of the year - they transgress the logic of accumulation of goods, sell their belongings without regret and flee to the beaches in search of ephemeral happiness. When Ash Wednesday arrives, a new work cycle begins.

“An easy-going, empathetic portrait of a small town in the country's northeast. The Hollywood Reporter

“Hauntingly beautiful documentary. The Upcoming

“An admirable show of democracy and honesty. Variety

“The sensibility and the inventiveness of Brazilian director Marcelo Gomes are extraordinary. Dirty Movies

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Select Accolades

  • Special Mention Documentary, 2019 Chicago International Film Festival
  • 2019 Berlin International Film Festival
  • 2019 AFI Latino Film Festival
  • 2019 Brazil Film Festival of Toronto
  • 2020 Latin American Studies Association (LASA) Film Festival
  • 2020 Neighboring Scenes, Film at Lincoln Center


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