Good Days, Bad Days

From The Fanlight Collection

Directed by Anna Ledbetter, Gary Ledbetter, & Krista Ledbetter

22 minutes / Color
Release: 2007
Copyright: 2007

This intimate documentary profiles several individuals who love and support someone who is struggling with mental illness, examining the profound impact that these disorders can have on other family members. A devoted mother supports her daughter, who has bipolar disorder, and talks about ways that we can all help our relatives. A husband whose wife is also bipolar describes how she had to abandon her career as a psychiatrist, and the struggles they have both had in coping with the life changes they have had to make. A couple who both struggle with schizophrenia and depression, and have learned over time how to support each other, show how they combat the isolation that often accompanies mental illness. This sensitive film not only captures the heroic tolerance and acceptance these family members display, but outlines various techniques that may help people who are trying their very best to assist their loved ones in coping with severe psychiatric conditions.

"Very well done - powerful…these personal stories make assisting a family member dealing with mental illness so supportive."—Comments from: Mood and Anxiety Conference, Queens University, Ontario

Ways to Watch

Colleges, Universities, Government Agencies, Hospitals, and Corporations

Purchase DVD for $195.00


Anna Ledbetter, Gary Ledbetter, & Krista Ledbetter


Four people with bipolar disorder, along with their families and psychiatrists, share their struggles to achieve control over the illness and their lives.

Jonathan David | 1987 | 56 minutes | Color | English